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08.18.19 Never knew love like this [Hos 2:2]
08.14.19 Not as it seems (II Tim 1:5-7)
06.19.19 Why they hate you [Mat 14:8-9]
05.19.19 Detour [Act 9:3]
05.08.19 What about you [Rom 3:23]
04.20.19 A Reason for Hope [John 20:6-9]
03.31.19 How bad do you want it [Mat 14:28]
03.20.19 It's in the Sauce [Heb 11:1-3]
02.10.19 Right one, Baby [Act 9:11]
01.16.19 Wall, Window and... [II Cor 11:33]
01.09.19 Sampson, jawbone [Judg 15:17]
01.06.19 Time [Eph 5:14]
10.17.18 Planning [Prov 16:9]
10.07.18 What are you known for [John 5:5]
07.15.18 What you see... [Luke 20:24]
06.24.18 Your love was not a waste [Joh 3:16]
02.11.18 Lack to new level [Neh 4:2] Pt 1
Lack to new level [Neh 4:2] Pt 2
01.21.18 Money Management [Mat 6:9]
01.10.18 She touched Him [Mark 12:43-44]
11.26.17 Benefits, marry for [Gen 1:26]
Do you know you [Mat 6:31-33]
11.08.17 I am what you want, right? [Gen 2:22-25]
11.05.17 Link
11.01.17 Link
10.29.17 Link
10.25.17 Why 'wait" [John 5:1-3]
10.18.17 Gotta right to be wrong [II Tim 4:9-11]
10.08.17 The Curse is Cancelled [Mark 11:23]
09.06.17 You Abide, He Provide [Joh 15:4]
06.18.17 Shush!!! [Josh 6:10]
06.14.17 Change behavior/action [Act 9:3]
05.31.17 Trivia to turning point [Josh 2:20-21]
03.29.17 Break into your Breakthrough [Jam 2:17-18]
03.08.17 Realize what your fertilize [II Tim 1:6-7]
01.08.17 Drought can cause doubt [I King 17:7]
10.31.16 His story is our history [Gen 1:1-3]
09.04.16 Guilty of giving God the glory [Dan 6:13]
08.28.16 Are you F.I.T. for first [Luke 1:66]
07.31.16 God "can you hear me now" [II Chr 7:13-14]
07.03.16 The ride of a lifetime [Jon 2:1-3]
06.29.16 Just a ride [Jon 1:1-4]
06.01.16 Courage [Josh 1:6]
04.03.16 Turn this world upside down [Jer 1:5]
03.06.16 Who are 'so-called' Deacons [Act 6]
03.02.16 My Provider [2 Cor 9:6-8]
02.28.16 Who you wit? [Amos 3:1-3]
02.21.16 Beyond Love [Hos 1:2-3]
The Lord is [Psa 23] by: Min T Fowler
02.17.16 Building or blurring [Mark 14:10-11]
01.10.16 This too shall pass [Heb 12:2]
He already knew [Heb 12:1]
12.31.15 Moving Forward [Mat 28:19-20]
12.13.15 SERIES "Simplicity" [Eph 2]
Commissioned for my crown
Lest we forget, we fail
12.09.15 A threat to my three-some [Gen 2:15-18]
11.15.15 I'm Straight [Act 9:11]
11.11.15 Bump and breakthrough [Luke 8:41-44]
11.01.15 Not just what but where [Luke 21:1-4]
Soil is my circle of friends [Mark 4:4-8]
SERIES: Jonah: Examine thou self
10.18.15 But, this time [3:1-2]
A whale of trouble [2:6-7]
10.14.15 Obey, go this way [1:1-3]
SERIES: How long has this been going on [John 5]
093015 What happen
SERIES: End-Time Comfort [John 2:1-5]
092715 It's already done
It's my time
SERIES: More, not less [John 10:10]
09.20.15 I want more
Un-bind what's divinely mine
08.26.15 A charge to keep I have [I Sam 1:26-28]
SERIES: Ruth, Redeemer
08.23.15 Look where He brought... [Ruth 4:13]
Gift make room for you [Ruth 2:10-11]
Bitter for my better [Ruth 1:16-20]
SERIES: Stop giving me the finger
08.16.15 Thank God...fell me [John 8:4-8]
It was a set up [John 8:1-4]
08.12.15 Mercy, Mercy Me [Luke 6:36-37]
SERIES: Overcomer
08.09.15 Stand until He comes [Phil 4:1]
I'm better than my battles [Phil 3:17]
08.05.15 Failure, my new friend [Phil 3:13]
07.22.15 My emotion is from your motion [Luk 8:26-30]
06.24.15 Sunny-side of being single [Mark 6:21]
06.14.15 Hate from within (your house) [Luke 15:25]
06.07.15 Calling it forward [John 11:43]
06.03.15 Leading those who...left behind [Num 11:1-2]
05.31.15 Friend to my enemy [1 Sam 18:11]
05.26.15 All is fine, until problem [Gen 3:9-12]
04.29.15 The power of passion [I Cor 7:7-9]
04.26.15 Are you the 1? [Exod 2:9-10]
04.19.15 Making peace w/unplanned [1 Pet 4:12-13]
04.12.15 Charge that to the Cross [Jude 24-25]
04.08.15 God to blow your mind [Isa 53:19]
04.05.15 Comfort under present sorrow [Mat 28:5]
03.29.15 Show and tell [John 1:15]
03.22.15 Three plus FIRE equal four [Dan 3:25]
03.15.15 Transported thru trouble [Gen 50:16-20]
Nothing [Mal 4:7;-)]
Agape Church, Phenix City AL
03.08.15 What you say! [Rom 3:3-4]
02.01.15 But God [2 Sam 7:3-4]
01.25.15 The Total Package [Deut 8:18]
01.14.15 What in hell you want [Luke 16:23-24]
01.11.15 You say, you see [Job 3:25-26]
01.07.15 Grace for this moment [II Cor 12:7-9]
01.04.15 Work it or wither away [Mat 21:18-21]
12.31.14 Alive in the one five [Zech 4:6-7]
12.28.14 He saw the best in me [Jer 31:1-3]
12.21.14 What's really going on [II Tim 3:1-5]
12.14.14 Drunk in (His) love [John 4:24]
12.04.14 Look at me now [Phil 4:8-9]
11.30.14 Just a Word will do [Mark 4:37-39]
11.23.14 More to me than this [Joh 3:1-3]
11.16.14 Not about the loss,but left [Judg 7:7]
11.12.14 Know you to see NEXT [Judg 6:12-14]
Series: Kill it (Giant killers & Dream Killers)
11.09.14 Driven by dream [Gen 37:9]
11.05.14 Show up to win [I Sam 17:48-50]
10.22.14 Next in line [Luke 8:49-56]
10.19.14 Destined, in desperate places [Luke 8:43]
09.21.14 It wasn't pretty, but I made it [Act 47:44]
09.14.14 Make it rain [Deut 28:12]
09.10.14 Elevation in my transformation [Gen 50:20]
09.07.14 Friend or foe [Prov 27:17]
08.27.14 Who moved you? [Act 20:22-24]
08.20.14 It's my T.I.M.E. [II Cor 6:14-17]
Series: I'm still standing
08.17.14 God specializes [Mat 6:33]
08.13.14 He make way [Exod 20:13]
Series: Don't "F" me [F= Forsake]
07.29.14 Let's stay together [II Chr 7:14]
08.10.14 I own this [Exod 20:14]
07.13.14 Stop managing your mess [Luke 13:11-13]
07.09.14 Perfectly lonely [I Cor 9:32-33]
07.06.14 What's up with God...I'm down [Mat 26:39]
SERIES: Stronghold, Never be bound again (2 parts)
06.29.14 View don't determine my value [Mark 8:29]
06.25.14 Down with being delivered [Mat 17:19-21]
06.22.14 Reverse the curse on our kids [Mal 4:4-6]
06.08.14 Missing In Action [Gen 3:4-9]
06.01.14 Overlooked, ...look at me now [I Sam 16:12]
05.28.14 Summer-Time; Break-Time [Gen 2:1-3]
05.25.14 One nation under a groove [Gen 12:1-2]
05.11.14 Paying it forward [Eph 6:1-4]
04.30.14 How can two walk together [II Cor 6:14-17]
04.27.14 Communicate of FB,..court [Gen 29:16-20]
04.23.14 Rise up [Act 9:36-40]
04.20.14 An instrument of change [Mat 28:17-20]
03.16.14 Trusting God to the "T" [Jer 20:7-9]
Fellowship with Agape Church
Series: Relationship 101
03.16.14 We've only just begun [Ruth 3:8-11]
03.12.14 Are you the right one [Ruth 2:8-9]
03.09.14 Stand your ground [Gen 32:24-28]
03.05.14 Boot it up [Gen 39:7-12]
03.02.14 Breakdown or Breakthru [Mark 5:25-28]
02.16.14 Are you down with O.P.P. [Act 9:10-15]
02.09.14 Wifey or Who dat [Prov 31:10-14]
02.05.14 Let Him Shine [Jam 5:19-20]
02.02.14 It's complicated [Rom 7:19-20]
01.26.14 Who's your DADDY? [Joh 4:6-9 & 16]
01.12.14 Don't fake the funk [Gen 1:26-28a]
12.31.13 My sleep is not my story [Joh 11:36-44]
12.11.13 Peep my LEAP [Luke 1:35-41]
12.08.13 The mind of God [John 1:1-4]
12.01.13 Turning pain into power [I Cor 11:23]
11.24.13 Not on my watch [Hos 4:6]
11.17.13 Just let it go [Luke 18:18-25]
11.15.13 Out of control; in Christ [Mark 4:36-38]
Overcomers conference: Greater Mt Zion
11.03.13 Who got your 6? [I Sam 25:37-39]
10.27.13 Surviving in spite...saying [Act 28:1-6]
10.20.13 What to do... don't want [Luk 22:39]
10.16.13 Wounded Warriors [Gen 16:1-7]
10.13.13 Just a little TLC [Job 1:8]
09.28.13 Sweet revenge [I Sam 24:4-6]
09.22.13 Decisions lead to provisions [Dan 6:3-5&10]
09.18.13 Moving forward [Gen 12:1-4]
09.15.13 Still holding on [Gen 32:26]
09.11.13 Love hurt [John 3:16]
09.08.13 What to do when problem is you [Rom 7:17]
09.01.13 Turn it out before you tear down [Gal 2:9]
08.25.13 First, and afraid [Ex 14:19-22]
08.21.13 He got me covered [Exod 12:3-5&13]
08.18.13 A matter of the heart [Gen 4:1-5]
08.11.13Celebrate your critics [Gen 50:20]
07.28.13 Label: Assign(ment) to fail [Gen 37:9-11]
07.21.13 A Strategy for my struggles [Jsh 6:16]
07.14.13 Surrendering to Shame [III John 1:2]
06.30.13 Infected but not affected [Job 2]
06.05.13 I want go back [2 Pet 2:20-22]
06.02.13 Forgiveness [Phi 3:13-14]
05.26.13 Bad to worse but WORK it [John 11]
05.22.13 Neighbors to nations [Act 2:1-8]
05.19.13 The wait is over [John 2:1-:5]
SERIES: Marriage, divorce and moving forward
05.08.13 What was I thinking [John 8:1-5]
05.05.13 Don't look any further [John 4:13-18]
05.01.13 What has Satan so upset [Joh10:10]
04.21.13 Shake up the SHIP [Jonah 1:1-3]
04.07.13 Critics [Mat 1:18-20]
03.24.13 Stay true, come thru [Mat 16:13-18]
03.17.13 God got this [Isa 54:16-17]
03.13.13 But watch the church [Isa 60:1-5]
03.10.13 Glory after this [1 Sam 19:8-10]
03.03.13 A Do Over...Holy Ghost [Act 19:1-6]
02.24.13 I see...blind man [Mark 10:46]
02.20.13 Accomplishment, watch attacks [1 King 19:1-4]
02.10.13 Don't count me out [Act 3:1-6]
02.06.13 Calm in the Crisis [Dan 6:18-22]
01.30.13 P.U.S.H. your way thru [Isa 40:27-31]
01.20.13 I Do to my Go Thru [Mat 16:21-25]
01.13.13 I'm not going out like that [I Chro 10:3-5]
01.06.13 The whole world laughing at me [Gen 6:12-14]
01.02.13 Kingdom Connection [II Chr 7:14]
12.30.12 I had 'it' all along [Mat 12:10-13]
12.23.12 Half Pregnant [John 3:1-3]
Christ-Mass Unity Celebration
12.16.12 Lose your voice in the valley [Psa 137:1-4]
12.09.12 A Breakthru Blessing [Luke 5:3-6]
12.05.12 Ingredients for an increase [Mat 17:14-21]
12.02.12 Against all odds [I Sam 17:40-45]
11.28.12 Stinking Thinking [Joh 20:21-31]
11.24.12 Love don't live here anymore [I Sam 30:1-6]
11.18.12 I owe Him this praise [Luke 17:13-17]
SERIES: A Brook Behavior
11.11.12 Papa was a rollin stone [I King 17:13-18]
11.04.12 I'm sending you a kiss... [I King 17:1-7]
10.31.12 What's in your hand [Neh 4:1-7]
SERIES: Working it all out
10.28.12 Ananias: An enemy that no longer exist [Act 9:17]
10.24.12 Paul: Facing F.E.A.R. [Act 9:10-16]
10.21.12 The God of my Grief [Gen 45:1-5]
10.14.12 A Divided House [Josh 24:14-15]
10.12.12 His hands on me [Josh 1:1-5]
* Conference: Perfecting Ministries
10.12.12 He has him hands on me [Josh 1:1-5]
10.07.12 He's taking you higher [Luke 20:41-43]
09.23.12 Keeping it 100 (real) [Rom 12:1-2]
09.16.12 Broken for my better [Gen 32:24]
09.12.12 Fugitive from Freedom [Gal 1:6-10]
09.09.12 My deliverance is in the details [I Pet 4:12]
08.29.12 Fight is withtin the Family [Jude 8-12]
08.26.12 I'm more than you see! [I Sam 16:11-12]
08.19.12 Bind on a Dime [Mal 3:8-12]
08.15.12 Outer manifestation of inner man [Jm 2:17]
08.08.12 He got me covered [Isa 59:16-19]
08.01.12 What number are you? [Luke 17:17]
07.29.12 Stop given me the finger [John 8:3-8]
07.25.12 Release and run---Forgive [Luke 17:3-8]
07.18.12 Ministering in the moment [Act 8:26]
07.08.12 Just knowing him [Phil 3:8-10]
07.01.12 Love Never Fail [I Chr 21:22-24]
06.24.12 Be like (the God in) me [Dan 4:13-15]
06.17.12 Get back in the G.A.M.E. (Gen 3:6-9)
06.10.12 I am he, and God...finish w/me [Act 9:21]
06.03.12 Back to Eden [John 21:3-6]
05.23.12 Something from your nothing [Rom 8:28]
05.20.12 Lean on me [Judg 7:3-7]
05.13.12 Rahab and the Red Rope [Heb 11:31]
05.06.12 Learn to live with it [II Cor 12:7-9]
04.29.12 A Family Feud [Act 15:36-40]
04.15.12 A Radical Commitment to Christ [Luk 9:62]
04.11.12 The God who get it done [Isa 62:1-7]
04.08.12 Crucifed to be Glorifed [Mark 16:1-4]
04.01.12 The Great Exchange [I Sam 18:4]
03.31.12 Expectation before Manifestation [John 2:1]
Series [David & Bathsheba] Parents and the Promise
03.25.12Beauty for ashes [I King 1:30]
03.21.12 God kept me [II Sam 12:15]
03.18.12 Do the Unexpected [Rom 12:20]
03.14.12 Only time will tell [Act 5:39]
03.11.12 For His Glory [Exod 5:1-3]
03.06.12 W.H.E.N. Will It End [Joh 21:18-22]
03.04.12 A He-Man with a S.H.E. Problem [Judg 14:1-6]
Series [Nehemiah] 'Kingdom Building: 1 Stone at a Time'
02.26.12 When the enemy is within [6:1-3 & 6]
02.22.12 Overcoming opposition [4:1-6]
02.19.12 Don't need you to believe my dream [2:19]
02.15.12 Please me, don't tease me [2:5]
02.08.12 Obedience provides openings [Gen 22:2]
02.05.12 Break me off something [Luk 22:32]
01.29.12 His return is sure! Are you? [Rev 20:11]
01.25.12 When God Flip the Script [II Chr 7:14]
01.22.12 All Talk and no Walk [Jam 2:14-18]
01.18.12 My mess brings out the best [Jam 1:2]
01.15.12 This too shall pass [Job 3:23-25]
01.11.12 The Giant Killer In Me [I Sam 16:11-12]
01.08.12 Living with the threat of 'it' [Act 9:11-13]
01.04.12 Relationship Involves Relation [Joh 15:2]
01.01.12 Look both ways [Mat 14:28]
12.31.11 Press your way [Phil 3:14]
* Apostle L. Clemons, Wynnton Road Min.
VIDEO: New Year's Eve Service (28:30)
12.21.11 What kind of love is this [Mat 27:50-54]
12.18.11 Undo the do [Dan 3:23-25]
12.14.11 Calling it forth [John 11:40-44]
12.11.11 The Christ in my Crisis [Dan 6:22]
12.04.11 Just a little while [Psa 23]
11.20.11 So much in so little [Mat 6:9-13]
11.16.11 Anything to hard for God? [John 3:16]
11.13.11 Don't treat me like a trashcan [Phil 3:13]
11.09.11 Trust God in the tuff time [Gen 45:1-5]
11.06.11 Thank God for not answering.... [I Sam 25]
10.30.11 It Had To Happen [Rom 8:28]
10.27.11 Reaching out [Act 3:1-6]
10.26.11 In His Presence [Act 2:1-4]
10.23.11 You can't stop me [Gen 37:3-4]
Series: When you don't know what to do [II Chr 20]
10.19.11 Part III Avoiding Pitfalls from the Past
10.16.11 Part II In Partnership with the Promise
10.12.11 Part I The Power of Prayer
10.13.11 Back from Brokenness [Gen 32:24-28]
10.09.11 In the meantime [Mal 4:6-Mat 1:1]
09.29.11 Broken Pieces [Act 27:40-44]
09.28.11 Just say the Word [Mat 8:5-10]
09.25.11 A Force to be Reckon with [Mat 16:15-19]
09.21.11 Haters, You must be Dreaming [Isa 54:13-17]
09.18.11 Don't need you co-sign my Dream [Phil 4:13]
09.15.11 Holla if you hear me [Act 26:24-28] *Noon
09.11.11 Pin between Pharaoh & a Promise [Ex 14:16]
09.07.11 Don't ask my neighbor [John 5:1-8]
08.31.11 When 'going on' is gone [-]
08.28.11 The Danger of doing it alone [Act 19:15]
08.24.11 Your bad made me better [Gen 45:1-5]
08.21.11 Release me and let it flow [Gen 1:1-3]
08.17.11 Joy on the Journey [Rom 8:26-28]
08.14.11 Shaken not Disturb [Prov 22:7]
08.03.11 Caught between now & a need [II Cor 12:9]
07.24.11 Rising up from Defeat [Josh 7:7-9]
07.13.11 Turn it around [I Sam 24:4-6]
07.10.11 No Growth in the Garden [Matt 26:36]
07.03.11 Take Back My Blessings [Joh 10:10]
06.12.11 Thru my pain,...shame, He came [Isa 61:7]
06.08.11 Yes God, But... [Judg 6:12]
06.05.11 I'm not going out like that [Act 28:1-6]
06.01.11 Worship & Workplace [III John 1:2]
05.29.11 You can't have my high [Matt 9:17]
05.22.11 His Amazing Grace [Eph 2:4-8]
05.15.11 Don't loss your view in the valley [Ex 37:3]
05.08.11 The Best is yet to come [John 2:1-4]
05.01.11 What did you expect Pt II [Dan 6:16]
04.26.11 What did you expect! Pt I [Dan 3:21-27]
04.24.11 Don't Leave Me Hanging [Luke 24:1-5]
04.17.11 Get this Monkey off my back [Mark 10;:25]
04.10.11 Don't allow Saints sink your Ship [Jon 1:15]
03.27.11 Lord, Don't do it without me [Act 2:1-4]
03.20.11 Want Power... bear the Pain [Matt 28:18]
03.16.11 Tuff Times Don't last, Tuff People Do
[Job 5:17]
03.13.11 You can't have my stuff [I King 3:25]
03.06.11 A Bulls-eye for a Blessing [Jerm 29:11]
03.02.11 Meet People where they are [Acts 8:29]
02.27.11 Come, let us commune together [I Pet 5:2]
* Fellowship: Wynnton Road Ministries
You must be born again [I Pet 4:1-4]
02.23.11 Act like He's coming back [I Pet 4:14-19]
02.20.11 Living with what you can't live down [Acts 9:13]
02.17.11 Power from the Floor [Ruth 3:1-3]
* Fellowship: Greater Grace Ministries
02.02.11 The Power of Prayer [Isa 38]
01.30.11 This I Must Earn [Matt 20:20]
01.23.11 Don't Worry about a thing [Matt 6:33]
01.19.11 Marriage made in Heaven [Isa 6]
01.16.11 Picked Out to be Picked Up [John 4:23]
01.02.11 Peace (out) to my Past [Matt 15:6]
12.26.10 Never Again Like 2010 [Phil 3:13]
12.19.10 And Deliver Me From Me [Gen 17:17]
12.13.10 I Am not Forgotten [II Sam 9:5]
12.08.10 Kindness is King [I Sam 18:1]
12.05.10 I Still Have Joy [Phil 4:4]
11.28.10 You Don't Know Me Like That [Jerm 29:11]
11.21.10 A Date with Destiny [Luke 1:41]
11.17.10 God is my All & All [Psa 91]
11.07.10 Any Haters in your House [Gen 37:5]
10.31.10 Make it do what it do [Joh 11:14]
10.27.10 And I shall recover it all [I Sam 30:8]
10.17.10 When the Family that prays together
Don't stay together [Job 2:9]
10.06.10 Its All Good [Phi 4:10-12]
10.03.10 Dealing with Rejection [Luke 20:17]
09.26.10 Oppressed by Opinions [Mat 16:13-16]
09.19.10 A Standing Ovation [Act 7:54-60]
09.12.10 Let Thy Kingdom Come [Gen 1:26]
08.29.10 Peep This [I Pet 4:12]
08.24.10 God, What's the Hold-Up [Dan 10:12]
08.22.10 Picture of my Past [Dan 3:23]
08.17.10 He will see you thru [Dan 6:16]
08.15.10 Putting it all on the Line [Josh 2:2-4]
08.08.10 Gotta Get Myself Together [Mat 14:25]
08.01.10 A Perfect Place for Praise [Act 16:25]
07.25.10 I too have a Dream [Rom 12:2]
07.20.10 Even when it hurts, I'm in His hand [Mat 9:20]
07.11.10 Thin Line between Love and Hate [Act 9:5]
06.27.10 Choose Friends Prayerfully [I Sam 18:3]
06.20.10 A Life Changing Encounter [Mat 26:6]
06.13.10 I think I better let it go [Luke 17:1-4]
06.08.10 Get your Break-Thru [I Cor 14:1-5]
06.06.10 Strength in Sitting for Supper [I Cor 11:24]
05.25.10 Hungry in the House of Bread [Exod 16:2]
05.23.10 To whom do you belong [Exod 20:14]
05.16.10 The best is yet to come [Job 1:19-22]
05.11.10 Live Strong and Long [III John 1:2]
05.09.10 Persistence Pays Off [Luke 18:1-5]
05.04.10 Ministering behind the mask [Act 3:12]
05.02.10 Press your way thru [II Cor 1:8]
04.25.10 Beyond the Box [Luk 5:4]
* Fellowship: Perfecting Love Church
He saw the B.E.S.T. in me [I Pet 2:9]
04.18.10 Life 'Little' Lessons [Phil 3:13-14]
04.15.10 P.R.A.Y. [I Th 5:17]
04.11.10 What Now? [John 21:1-3]
04.06.10 You Say You See [John 1:1-5]
04.04.10 In From Out [Col 2:15]
03.23.10 The Spirit Speaks [Matt 10]
03.21.10 Beyond the rain is a (rain)bow [Lev 26:3-4]
03.14.10 Only if... [II Cor 12:9]
03.09.10 He Loves Me [I John 4:11]
03.07.10 Letting Go, To Go [Gen 19:26]
02.28.10 Say 'Yes' [Josh 1:1-3]
* A Message for our Youth
02.14.10 Give it up; Turn it Loose [Luk 17:3-4]
02.09.10 I Believe [Prov 16:1-3]
02.07.10 You can't hurry God [Isa. 40:31]
02.04.10 Alone- encourage self [I Sam 30:6] *noon
01.31.10 I Want To Be Saved [John 3:1]
* Friends & Family; Rev G. T. Britt
01.24.10 There's no me without you [Act 15:36]
* Pastor's Aide Program, Bethel Church
01.24.10 When Right Gets Rough [Act 16:25]
01.17.10 When the Heat is on [Dan 3:24-25]
01.13.10 Dying to Live [Joh 3:1-3]
01.03.10 I'm Coming Out! [Luke 1:44]
12.20.09 Confidence in Christ [Joh 14:1]
12.15.09 When Set Back is a Set Up [Rom 12:2]
12.13.09 Situation; State of Mind [Jam 1:2]
12.08.09 Why Me Lord? [I Pet 4:14-19]
12.06.09 When your Faith is on Trial [I Pet 4:12]
12.01.09 Connection & Covering [Deut 7:6-11]
11.29.09 Back that thang up [Exod 4:1-4]
11.17.09 Fight the Good Fight [I Cor 9:24-27]
11.15.09 Picked Out - Picked On [Job 1:6-11]
Series: Relationship
11.08.09 Pt II Let's Stay Together [Mark 10:4-9]
11.03.09 Pt I After 'I Do' [I Cor. 7:1-14]
11.01.09 Change in the Church [Matt 10:5-14]
10.24.09 Show me where you laid it [Joh 11:32]
10.18.09 Keep Your Head Up [Jude 1:24-25]
10.13.09 Do You Know You [II Cor 13:3-8]
10.11.09 Down but Not Out [II Cor 12:7-8]
10.04.09 When God Says 'No' [II Sam 7:5-6]
09.27.09 Matters of the Heart [Gen 4:4-10]
09.27.09 What You Say! [Mat 16:14]
*Unity Service at The House of God Church
09.20.09 Choose Circle Carefully
09.13.09 What ail you (Don't Worry)
09.01.09 Glorious Living
08.30.09 Principles of Prosperity
08.23.09 God has a plan 'Talk to the Hand'
08.18.09 Repent and be Restored
08.16.09 When Focus effects your Footing
08.11.09 Get the Hell out of here
08.09.09 Don't let go of God
08.04.09 I Am Blessed
07.28.09 No Right in Wrong
07.26.09 Nothing
07.19.09 Loose Me & Let Me Go
07.14.09 Sex: A Righteous Relationship
07.12.09 Do Business til I come
07.11.09 Strength from Scars
*Tony's 10th Anniversary- Speaker: Rev. C. Moore
07.05.09 On a Dime, Everytime
06.28.09 18 Inches from Heaven
*Men's Day at New Mt Zion
06.21.09 What A Man
06.16.09 Sabbatical in the Storm
06.14.09 Shake It Off
05.31.09 Credit Where Credit Is Due
05.24.09 A Charge to keep I Have
05.19.09 Get Ready
05.12.09 Make it last forever
Founder and Bishop of Life Changing Church and President of Tony Banks Ministries based in Columbus, GA. With passion and compassion, Bishop Banks proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ with simplicity and applicable teachings, knowing The Word of God is Life Changing!
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