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All businesses experience stages or cycles of growth. Your Business Life Cycle (Startup; Growth; Mature; and Transition) helps determine your needs. An experienced planner is essential in identifying and setting directions needed to help move your business from glory-to-glory!
Have a great idea, but the finances...? TBM can assist!
Obtaining financing for your idea can be one of the toughest tasks you encounter during any business start-up phase. Venture Capitalists typically will not provide you with funding unless you have a working prototype to demonstrate your idea, or unless you can reference a credible track record of experience. But it’s often difficult to build a prototype or establish a track record without having the funding to get started. In most cases, you can connect with an angel investor for help.
The typical profile of an angel investor usually encompasses the following:
• Individuals with business background
• Offer hands-on advice and consulting
• Invest within a close geographic area
• Investments are generally capped at $10,000
Often, Angel Investors will locate you. Plenty "A.I." are business-leaders in their community, and have a really good idea of the 'up and coming'. Because they are sometimes mentors, friends and associates, connecting with 'A.I.' may be as easy as presenting your business plan.
Though an Angel Investor will provide you with much-needed resources, remember he or she may own a part of your company, and thus will maintain some control and/or input of your product or service.
As part of the investment, an angel investor expects to earn a profit from the investment in your company. Typically, an angel investor will expect a return of between three to ten times the original investment within five to seven years, but TBm approach is slightly different. Our investments are on short-term basis, generally less than twelve months. The return will vary depending on factors such as risk level, industry, exposure, etc., so you will need to provide a plan to demonstrate your earnings strategy to the investor.
We hope this information has been of value in understanding Angel Funding. If you need assistance writing your business plan, becoming incorporated, grants, etc., contact Tony Banks Ministries via email: or 706.575.6090 to schedule a consultation
We at Tony Banks Ministry, Inc. may understand Financial, Tax and Business Planning backwards and forward but Partners knows their true needs. That is why you choose your destination. TBM will assist navigating the route, while avoiding pitfalls, disasters and dead ends.
Our reviews may be informal, but experience has taught us that regular reviews are essential in ensuring Partner's needs are met. You will find these reviews allow us to modify your needs to meet changing conditions.
An outdated or outgrown approach to meeting your financial or business goals are at best an unnecessary expense, and at worse, an invitation to the poor house!
Funding A Start-up Business
You have spent months in the Research and Development Phase and now you are ready to open the doors to your new business. Just a few problems: you are running out of cash; already spent your personal savings; and can't borrow from the bank. What now?
Tony Banks Ministries can locate Private and/or Angel Investors, write and submit grants and loan packages, and introduce partners to 'Bootstrap Financing.' Such financing is utilized by entrepreneurs who open their business on a smaller scale, re-invest capital back into the business to cover additional cost.
We can help!
Time and regular investments are Investors best friends. Dollar cost average is when one invests a set amount and at set times. Whether the market is up or down, over the long haul, dollar cost average may enable investors to purchase greater shares because of consistent buying, and not 'timing' the market.
The 403(b) and SEP-IRA plans are great vehicles for retirement. They enable you to regularly put away tax deferred money, and often a percentage of this money is matched by the employer. Perhaps the two most common mistakes by investors are not contributing to their plan, and diversification. Too often investors place all their eggs in this one basket. Our general advice to Partners is 'Diversification".
It has been said there are only two things for certain in life: Death and Taxes. Though we at Tony Banks Ministries, Inc. can't determine when you die, we can help determine the amount of taxes you pay while you are alive. Let's examine Tax Preparation.
Tax Preparation involves sitting down with Partners and reviewing their Profit and Loss Statements. Together, we anticipate future taxes then implement strategies to legally reduce this burden while remaining in tax compliance. Remember, the goal is to pay your 'fair share' of taxes while taking full advantage of all legal deductions such as pre-tax investments, health insurance, auto leasing, housing allowances, etc.
As an employer, you are ultimately responsible for payroll-related taxes. The Counselors at TBm are experienced at ensuring your payroll remains in compliance while reducing your taxes. Our Counselor's years of experience in the business community, complemented by hours in the classroom has better enabled us to 'serve' Partners. And we want to 'serve' you as well!